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window get -- request information about a window

Result = WINDOW GET WindowID$, Option$

To obtain some properties of the window with the ID WindowID$, the following options are allowed:

Option$ = "Position-X" -- Result will contain the horizontal position of the upper left corner of the window relative to the screen
Option$ = "Position-Y" -- Result will contain the vertical position of the upper left corner of the window relative to the screen
Option$ = "Width" -- Result will contain the width of the window
Option$ = "Height" -- Result will contain the height of the window
Option$ = "Minimum-Width" -- Result will contain the minimum width of the window that is allowed when resizing
Option$ = "Minimum-Height" -- Result will contain the minimum height of the window that is allowed when resizing
Option$ = "Maximum-Width" -- Result will contain the maximum width of the window that is allowed when resizing
Option$ = "Maximum-Height" -- Result will contain the maximum height of the window that is allowed when resizing
Option$ = "Exists" -- Result will be true if a window with this WindowID$ exits and false otherwise
Option$ = "Minimized-To-Deskbar" -- Result will be true if the window has been minimized and false if it is not.

window open 100,100 to 300,300, "Example", "Example"

w = 200
h = 200

while(not instr(message$, "Quit"))
	if(window get "Example", "Width" <> w) then
		w = window get "Example", "Width"
		print "New Width: ", w
	if(window get "Example", "Height" <> h) then
		h = window get "Example", "Height"
		print "New Height: ", h

window close "Example"

When the window is resized, the new width and the new height are printed on the standard output.

Related: window open, window close, window count, window set